Saturday, May 19, 2012

The ups and downs

This business is a hard one!  Let me be frank and real about that!  There is so much competition that its hard to get your name and your work out there for people to hear about or read, which is the whole point, right?  Not to mention the unimaginable number of "tastes" when it comes to people's preferences in the books they read.  Which can be a bit tricky when you are a people pleaser by nature.  The reality that not every one is going to LOVE your work, can be difficult to swallow.

With the release of my second book, "Riding the Perfect Wave, part two" the sequel to "Finding the Perfect Wave", I had imagined that this release would be this glorious moment in time. Now that I was the published author of two books, people would instantly give me credibility and would swoop in to purchase my books, leaving nothing left on the shelf-so to speak.  How disappointed I was to find that it was the same as the first one...pretty uneventful. 

At moments, it seems all too hard for a happy wife and mother of four, whose life is pretty darn good, to deal with all of these ups and downs...and just as I begin to entertain the idea of walking away from it all and riding off into the sunset, to never turn back...I get a gentle reminder of why I'm on this wild ride.  I receive word from the most unexpected person, who has not only read my work, a huge feat in and of itself, but reached out to share with me that these books meant something to them, made a difference in their life and actually thanked me for writing....

I just find it so incredible that at those low moments, when its over in your mind...somebody has the idea to send a thank you message to the author of the book they just read.  Are these coincidences?  I don't believe so...when moments like these happen, I look upward and thank Him for reminding me why I began to write in the first place.

I'm not giving least not today!  I will stay on this wild ride, maybe puking the whole ride...but I'm sticking with it.  After all, isn't that what makes life fun and worthwhile?  I suppose that by sticking to hard things is where we will find the greatest rewards! 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Finding the Perfect Wave book trailer

The Legend of Johnny Lingo

I had someone ask me the other day, "Which movie were you watching that ultimately started your writing career?"  The answer~ The Legend of Johnny Lingo.  It is a feature film based off the short story Johnny Lingo and the Eight Cow Wife, written by Patricia McGerr. 

This movie was beautifully filmed in New Zealand and offers a glorious visual buffet of early life in the Polynesian Islands.  The story is filled with moral lessons as we watch the two main characters, Tama and Mahana each learn of their own self worth.  What a priceless lesson for us to learn, especially in today's world where we are constantly being told that we are not pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough, don't have the right last name or rich enough. The best part of the film is that we are being reminded of our self worth while being incredibly entertained.  All four of my kids, my husband and myself were drawn into this well written, entertaining, fun and stirring movie.  Its a family favorite for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

This is when I developed a new passion...To do the very same thing that the late Patricia McGerr did when she wrote Johnny Lingo.  I loved the message Johnny Lingo taught my young kids and I wanted more of these stories out there.   I always enjoyed writing, but I never considered myself a "Writer" so I tried to find something I could do to encourage writers to write this kind of quality material.  I thought of starting a foundation or support group to encourage this...and soon realized that was more of a stretch then me writing something myself.

I have been so touched by the support I've received for my first book, Finding the Perfect Wave which has left me believing there are many more people who are happy to have clean, wholesome and value inspiring entertainment than I imagined.  What a wonderful discovery!

So, if you haven't seen The Legend of Johnny Lingo....Find it!  Buy it!  Somehow get your hands on it!  Open your heart and let it be inspired!  If you have already seen it...then you get where I'm coming from!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What's your muffin?

What's your muffin?  That's a strange question, I know.  I had a very real dream last night and it gave me cause to pause and ponder its meaning and ask you, "What's your muffin?"

In my dream I was a muffin baker...a little strange, I agree!  But there I was a brand new muffin baker.  I had been getting excellent attention from my muffins-people LOVED them!  I was so proud.  I created my new muffin, double chocolate with a cream cheese frosting. I gave this new muffin to a friend and she turned her nose up in the air and said how horrible and awful it was.  I was devastated.  How could she be so mean about it?  I mean really if you don't like the muffin, then for crying out loud don't eat it, but you don't have to be rude.  In my dream I remember feeling very sad and wanted more than anything to give up my muffin baking, which I was fully prepared to do. 

Until a young woman came up to me, so excited to see me.  "Are you the maker of these muffins?" she asked.  She threw her hands around me, gave me a hug and said, "These are the best muffins in the world!  Thank you for baking them!  I can't wait to try your new muffins!" 

When I woke up from my dream, I immediately understood the correlation to my own life.  My muffins are my books.  There are many times I find myself feeling down wondering why I have started on this particular journey.  Its not the easiest thing to do, to put something so personal and intimate out for the world to see and judge.  Especially when I've worked so hard to blend in unnoticed.  This journey is cram packed full of rejections and let downs.  And often times I'm left pondering what it would be like to walk away from what I started. 

And then just like my dream something amazing happens!  Somebody I've never even met, contacts me thanking me for writing the book. Or maybe its a young teenager who was inspired by the "Service Squad" or "Do Good Posse" (check out Finding the Perfect Wave) and has decided to do service with her young friends.  Or maybe its the simple phrase, "I loved the book and can't wait for the next one!"  These are those moments when I realize there is still so much to do!  There are more wholesome, faith promoting and entertaining stories to be told! 

So now I ask you once again...What's your muffin?  What's your special contribution to the world that only you can offer?  Whatever it is...don't give up on it!  Even if someone tells you that your muffin is disgusting...somebody else is going to LOVE it!

Friday, May 6, 2011

We have a job to good entertainment!

I remember several years ago watching an interview with actress Andie MacDowell.  She was on a news show promoting her film at that time.  I can't remember the title of the film or even which year it was, but what I do recall is her words which have stuck with me ever since.  To paraphrase, she said something like this..."People complain that Hollywood doesn't produce quality, wholesome, good family entertainment...this movie (sorry I can't remember) is one of those movies, the kind you are asking if you want Hollywood to produce more films like this you have to SUPPORT movies like this!  Go see this film!"  I have often thought about that interview.  She made it so clear to me.  Movie producers are in business to make money.  They too, just like the rest of us have family's to support and need to earn a livelihood.  Just as a regular business person wouldn't invest in a poor investment, it doesn't make sense for a filmmaker to put their money and time into a film nobody is going to see, earning them no reward.

A few months ago I was at a Holiday Boutique in my neighborhood.  My book, Finding the Perfect Wave had not been released yet, but I had copies I was hoping to sell.  An older gentleman walked up to my table.  His wife was searching the table next to me as he gazed at my book.  I smiled at him, thinking he most likely wouldn't feel my book would be for him.  I said hello and we started a short conversation.  I began to explain my book in a much different way than I had ever before.  I had always answered the difficult question, "So what's your book about?" with "its about a surfer girl who moves to the desert her senior year in high school...."  But this time I began to tell him  why I wrote this book.  I explained that I felt inspired to create good, wholesome, faith promoting entertainment, which would give young and old people alike the motivation to live their faith and values.  I wanted to create hero's who knew how to live life and have fun, but who also remained true to their beliefs and potential.   And most importantly I wanted to entertain my readers.  He smiled as he picked up my book and read the back matter.  "I appreciate and admire what you are doing here," he said.  "I'd like to buy a copy."  My heart swelled with joy, not because I made a sale, but because somebody wanted to support me as I tried to make a difference. 

It was at that moment when I made a decision to support those who are trying to make a difference, and let their lights shine in a sometimes dark world.  I think the norm, especially in today's economy, equals a tight budget...this is true!  My own family has had to buckle down on our budget to try to survive.  Even though money might be tight, I would encourage you to support the good entertainment.  So with that being said...

Soul Surfer is an excellent film for the entire family!  (We've been twice!)  It follows the remarkable journey of Bethany Hamilton, who looses her arm in a shark attack.  You can't help but fall in love with her positive attitude and her sense of faith and purpose as she becomes an inspiration to so many around the world!  This film promotes faith, charity, family, compassion, determination and hope, even during trials and tribulations.  You will leave uplifted and edified and will be a better person for getting to know Bethany's story.

Now that I've completely inspired you...go support Affirm Films by watching Soul Surfer!  Let's support the good ones and encourage these filmmakers to make more films like this one!

Monday, May 2, 2011

How does a stay at home mom come to write a book?

On a sunny Sunday evening a few years back, I was watching a delightful and stirring movie with my family.  I couldn't help but feel so much gratitude for the writer of this short story which would become a feature film decades later.  My heart was tugged as I had been contemplating the world of adolescence my children would soon be entering.  I wanted more for them...more faith promoting, value building, fun, exciting entertainment for my family to enjoy.  I felt the great need to do something myself.  But what could I do.  After all, I'm just a stay at mom with a couple years of college behind my belt, but no degree.  What could I do?

 In a moment of inspiration I realized that I could write stories that would uplift and edify the reader.  I could  develop characters who would be amazing examples of holding fast to their values and being true to their faith.  Now for the hardest part of all...believing in myself.  After a couple of weeks of fighting the negative self talk, I chose to ignore the "no I cant's" and sat down to my blank computer screen.  I pictured Alli Whitton a beautiful blond surfer from California.  She became real to me at that moment and over the next several months I found myself lost in her world.  

Finding the Perfect Wave was accepted for publishing approximately a year and half later.  I couldn't have been more happy and terrified all at the same time.  My dream of contributing a small glimpse of "light and goodness" to the world had become a reality.  I felt an amazing sense of accomplishment as I survived the grueling editing process and realized that the book had become so much better as a result of the demanding and exhausting process.

On December 14, 2010 Finding the Perfect Wave was officially released to the world!  I have been so pleased to have heard from many readers who have shared with me how the characters in this book have uplifted and inspired them.  Words cannot express how it feels to know that the "light" you have worked so diligently on has been well received and readers have wanted to be "better" and "do more".

So what's the moral of my story?  For today I'm going to say there is always room in this world for more GOOD!   And we all have a part to play in keeping the light of faith and goodness burning bright!